

Week 11 – Learning Portfolio item 1 – Q3 

Chunking is a learning strategy where information is broken down into smaller groups so it is then easier to remember. (Bozarth, J. 2010) says that information must not be divided in a scattershot way; it has to have some sort of meaning. Information that is broken down must have some relevance to the area in which you wish to learn. If the information isn’t relevant then the process of “chunking” becomes meaningless.

The human mind can only hold a certain amount of information at any one time. Therefore, a design which enables people to reduce their cognitive load will be more popular as the capacity of the memory depends on the size of information and the information type (“Chunking Information,” n.d )  Therefore, from a designers point of view, what they envision must  look  engaging but also be simple enough to understand i.e designs with less buttons will be easier to understand because a wide range commands will be enabled by a lesser number of buttons. Therefore, people naturally break down the information on how to use the device and its distinctive functions.

People use different methods of chunking when collecting information. Each method relates directly to how easy the individual finds that method. The different methods of chunking are: Organising information into groups. Finding patterns (links) within the information which inhibits having to list separate pieces of information. Organising your information based on its meaning and content. Creates easier learning patterns and breaking information down into smaller, easier to learn pieces of information.

Reference List

Chunking information. (n.d) Retrieved from

Bozarth. (2010). Chunking Retrieved from